Teaching Point

Students will learn how to add pictures to Slides in Powerpoint.

Adding Pictures to your Slides

Slideshows are more fun to watch when they have pictures. If we want to add a picture to our slides, we have to make room for it first. Right now there isn't a lot of room on the slide. To change that, we have to change the Layout. Layout where things are.

Here's how you change the Layout of a slide.

Once you have done that you can drag the picture you want onto the slide. For this project, we are going to be getting pictures from Picasa. Picasa is a web page that you can use to share your pictures with other people. Here's how you use Picasa to get a picture. Once you have the picture you want you can drag it onto the Desktop, and then from the Desktop to you slide.

Today's Assignment

Continue writing the texts for the rest of your slides. For each slide, when you are done with your writing, you can add a picture from Picasa.

Click Here to Find SOFTWARE Pics on Picasa

Click Here to Find HARDWARE Pics on Picasa

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