Creating Your Sitemap

Now you will start planning your website. Your website can be about any topic that you choose. Let's take a moment to share some ideas for topics, and then you can choose your own. You will put your topic idea into the form below.

A Sitemap is a chart which helps you plan out how your website is going to be organized. A website is easy to make if you plan it right. Once you are done with the planning, the rest is easy. You are going to use Google Drawings (in Google Docs) to create a Site Map. The Site Map will be a diagram that has your topic on top in a big circle, with arrows pointing from your topic to your subtopics, which will be in little circles. Your topic (big circle) is what the website is about. Your subtopics (little circles) are what the links will be that help people navigate your website.

The Video below will help you use the Shapes Tools to create this map in Google Drawings.

Today's Assignment:

Use Google Drawings to make your sitemap.

Extension Activity:

Design your sitemap by changing the color of the background, the circles, the borders, and the letters.

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