Teaching Point:

Today we will learn how to use Operators to make better IF Statements.


Operators sound complicated but they're not. They're just using words like AND and OR and NOT to make our IF STATEMENTS more specific. If we want to say “Do this IF This happens”, then we don't need an Operator. We just use a regular IF Statment. IF we want say “Do this IF this happens AND that happens”, then we use an Operator to say AND.

To use Operators in an IF STATEMENT, we just put the If's into the Operator, and then the Operator into the IF Statment.

Today we will add a new Sprite - a platform that the Cat Sprite can jump onto. We will use an AND Operator to say IF the cat is NOT on the green ground OR a black platform, change y by -2. What would this code look like?

Today's Assignment

Make platforms for your Cat Sprite to jump onto, and move the coins to make the game more challenging.

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