Teaching Point:

Today we will learn how to share a Google Form.

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Our Live Form

Once we are done making our Google Form, we are ready to have other people fill it out. The form that other people see when they are answering the questions is called a Live Form. In our Google Form, we can click the View Live Form button on the top of the page to see it.

The address of the Live Form is too long to just tell to someone, so we are going to copy and paste it to a Google Spreadsheet that we can all see. That way, all of our forms will be in one place, and they will be easy to find. To share your form:

Today's Assignment

Copy your Forms' Web Address to our Google Classroom thread. Make sure to include your name so people know whos survey they are taking.

Click here to go to our shared spreadsheet

Extension Activity

Take other peoples surveys.

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